


  • 25 set 2018
  • admin
  • General Media

The new Metelli Group automated warehouse in the production hub of Cologne (BS) is finished and operational. An investment of over 4 million Euros, which provides our customers with greater availability and faster delivery of brake pads, shoes and fast kits. The fully automated system is composed of 2 miniload stackers and 3 stations for picking the storage boxes and managing the taking of material to fill orders, all in a completely automated way. Overall 18 thousand boxes are managed, each of which can reach the operator in just 3 minutes with a practically zero error rate. Thanks to this new system, the company can provide a lead time for dispatching orders of 5 working days with a completion percentage of over 95%. Overall, the area of the automated warehouse storage measures about 7 thousand square metres, in addition to another 3 thousand square metres used for the production of brake discs. Metelli Group will continue to invest resources to constantly improve the service provided through the implementation of the latest generation systems, adding that extra element that makes it unique, passion.